Read Write Inc. 
At Castletown Primary, we use the Read, Write Inc phonics programme to allow every child to get off to a flying start in their reading and writing journey.
The Read, Write Inc programme teaches children to read easily and fluently and allows children to feel like successful readers from their very first lesson.
Children begin the programme in reception and are grouped in terms of their reading ability, ensuring every child accesses texts at the correct level. Read, Write Inc provides children with the opportunity to read decodable texts daily, both in school and at home. It is aimed that all children have the opportunity to:
- Read storybooks and non-fiction books closely matched to their developing phonic knowledge
- Take home Phonics storybooks to share
- Read with fluency and expression
- Learn to spell using known sounds
- Write confidently by practising what they want to write out loud first
- Work well with a partner.
At Castletown Primary, Read, Write Inc sessions take place daily and incorporate focused teaching of sounds, reading. Writing and handwriting.
In addition to the Read, Write Inc programme children at Castletown access a full English curriculum based on age related expectations as set out in the national curriculum. At Castletown Primary, we operate a novel based approach to English, which allows each year group to access the full curriculum through a class novel.
Children also have whole class reading sessions, which allow children to develop their understanding of text.
At Castletown Primary, time is planned daily for children to enjoy a text read to them for pleasure.
Click here to view the Castletown Primary Read Write Inc. Progression Document
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