Castletown Community Primary School

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Memorable Events

World Book Day

Lots of activities were held in school to mark World Book Day 2024.

Children came into school dressed up in clothes associated with a matching word. There was an incredible variety of words on display showing fantastic vocabulary! The winner from each glass received a golden coin to use in the library vending machine to take home a book of their choice.

In class, we based our English work on the novel 'Windows' by Julia Denos. The children explored the text and analysed the illustrations in the book as one boy catches glimpses of the lives around him when taking his dog out for a walk.

In the afternoon, all the children assembled to complete a parade around school to show off their outfits before heading off into their House groups for some final story-telling.

Prevent Bus

Our Year 5 and 6 pupils enjoyed learning all about safeguarding and issues around prevent. The 'Prevent Bus' arrived at school and it certainly was a very special classroom for the day. Thank you to the TfC staff for visiting us.

Burns Day

Our 'Burns Day' was a very memorable day. Thank you to Kevin, our Scottish Piper, who visited school and met with the children and answered lots of interesting questions about the origins of the bag pipes! What a fascinating musical instrument that sounds lovely and very loud!

Click on the link below to see a short video:

Panto 2023

The children received a visit from an acting group who performed their version of Sleeping Beauty.

Remembrance 2023

As part of the school's events to mark Armistice Day, each year group completed various activities in English. Whole Class Reading focused on a remembrance-themed text and children in each class produced a poppy-themed clay tile. The children designed the tiles themselves and created them in class. Each class also learned a poem to mark this important event. A selection of these have been added below.